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18 November 2012


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May it find a =^..^= Purrfect home............
Love and hugs


I think the kitten has found its forever home in the Barbie tub with Mat adding in the catnip scented bath salts. I know how a found kitten becomes a family member. We recently had to say goodbye to two who had "found" us 21 years ago. There are two foundling left (2 and 8 years old). I know there will be more. Cats have found me since I was old enough to say "kitty". Enjoy the velvet fur. (Just think, stinky cat once was that cute. LOL!)

Brother Mathew

The cat's name is Lucy. We have a large yard with many places for her to hunt. Half the time she spends the night outside and the other half inside. I prefer outside which allows her to hunt which is what cats love to do best. Yes once in a while she will coil up at the foot of our bed. Corey is wrong about me not liking cats. I like them.


I love the picture in the Barbie bathtub - so funny and shows the size of the kitten ! And I am convinced of one thing : they gave the kitten a name.....................No way will they give this furry cutie for adoption now ! I've had two then three then four cats once (now two) and it always felt right. So Lucy, you found your home !


Such a cutie. Kittens just worm their way into your heart and STAY.


Your niece has inherited your talent for photography. The bathtub one definitely looks photoshopped it's so cute.


Marie's photos are excellent! Miss Lucy Amaro seems to have a permanent home. No way would your brother and his family be able to give her up.


LOVE! Marie's got a good eye for photos! My Barbie just had a shower...


What a happy ending to the kitty saga - gorgeous photos - you can tell this kitty is well-loved!

Shelley Noble

Adorable photos! Such a beautiful cat, loaded with extra personality. Mazel Tov!


As if I didn't have enough reason to like you.

Photo in the Barbie tub. Classic.


Cute! Love the bathtub photo. How can they/you not fall for that face?


He He I told you so :) I knew it was love right from the start.
It already has its home and it is purrfect


Aww, I'd adopt this one in a blink if I lived any closer.
Marie is an excellent photographer!


No Way. They (and it looks like YOU) will never give that cat away. I also became owned by a litter of three cats that I found and could not place in other homes. One of them (almost 20 years old) is sitting here with me as I write this. He sometimes reaches his paw over and touches my arm just to say, "I am here and I need you." Maybe he's saying, "I am hungry could you feed me?"

Peggy Braswell

That shot of Lucy in barbie's bathtub is priceless. xxpeggybraswelldesign.com

La Contessa


Casual Cottage Chic

We have six, yes 6, cats...all rescue kitties and love each one "to the moon and back". Lucy is adorable; love the photo in the Barbie tub (could be on a card or calendar page)!

Casual Cottage Chic

Our oldest cat, a Tuxedo named Oreo, does that too! Reaches out with his paw and touches our arm when sitting next to us or on the desk when we are on the computer. I love it when he does that...a reminder that he wants some attention.

Kathie B

I suspect Lucy doesn't want to leave ;-)

Ben@VIG Furniture

This cat's name is Lucy. We have a significant yard along with many places for my child to look. Half some time she spends the night time outside plus the other 50 % inside. I favor outside that allows her in order to hunt which can be what cats adore to do finest. Yes occasionally she can coil up with the foot in our bed. Corey is usually wrong about me not necessarily liking felines. I including them. THATS AN EXCELLENT! LOOKS SIMILAR TO HE FOUND AN IDEAL HOME!

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French La Vie started in 2005. I have the "Brocante Bug," which means antiquing is my cure; France can do me no wrong when it comes to treatment ° 35 years living in France with my French Husband, whom I met while dancing in San Francisco ° Two children, now in their early thirties, amour et joie ° Come join our journey either vicariously through my blog or on a French La Vie Week Retreat in Provence °