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31 July 2013


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Oh Corey, How I want to go 'photo - fleaing' with you!!!


"...you learn to walk on or start a business." LOL I know what you mean. Love the sofa in the first photo. I'm sure I would have had a great time wandering the alleyways of St. Ouen with you!


You are being such a good girl resisting all that beautiful old bounty. Keep up the mind set, you'll find that other stuff, the stuff you need, you'll see.

Merisi in Vienna

I vote against air mattresses! They remind me of church camp, where I was either rolling off them in my sleep or felt dizzy when I woke up. Since I am already in the confessional, I also admit that I like "old" sofas only when they have been stripped down to their bare bones and then rebuilt from the bottom up. No old horsehair for me. ;-)

And now I'll turn to the sinners corner and shall remain there until I feel my soul has been cleansed from sin or I hear a voice calling me. Whichever comes first.


That was the MOST satisfying photo fleaing trip EVER.
Sigh, I too have to walk past gorgeous pieces...never to be seen again, or will they? Makes life so much more interesting wondering, doesn't it?

Julie Schaefer

Corey, in France are antiques popular other than as an eclectic accent? Is the rest of France crazy for antiques or is new merchandise preferred?


I want to take the first train over to you and walk with you. I am a good window shopper, financial restraints are good for discipline. Please just say the word, are there any cheap hotels near you?'!!!!


Wow, wish I was there with you, so much eye candy . . . gotta get back.


I am proud of you for bringing pictures to share with us. Next time I am sure you will start finding things on the list.


Corey, I suspect that you could pass up the beauties of the premiere Marché aux Puces because the prices were just too high in comparison to your brocantes in the South of France, non?

And a "bed head?" Do you mean a "headboard?" I remember those days of living in France and speaking Franglais.

Write on!

French la Vie

Bo,jour Mary!
Oh la la, Bed head! Lol! Thanks for catching it. My Franglais is excellent, and my accent is divine. I am so blessed, some have only a verbal accent, where I have a written one too.

As for prices being more in Paris. I haven't found that to be true. Though they deliver and that is rare in the South!


24/7 in France

For once, I'll be on the other side of the flea market table this weekend - should be interesting from a different perspective!


I suggest you decide how many people your apartment can comfortably accommodate. Do you really want your cute little place strewn with strangers? (Friends are another matter of course.) Every extra person adds wear and tear over time. Maybe 2 people is perfect!



The photos {and the objects in them} are pure eye candy...and not a shirtless worker in sight! Thank you for sharing your trip!

jeanne stone

What a wonderful place to go shopping in... all except for the lack of a MONEY ORCHARD. I have been only twice to paris, and just loved looking around like this. What fun, and hope that you find just the perfect items for your wonderfully evolving Paris Apartment. Looking forward to seeing this happening. Keeping my fingers crossed for you for the "right place, the right time, and the right price!"

Teresa Young

I am with you...sofas that make into beds are usually bulky and ugly. I think something like that would take away from the appeal of the place.


Some things are less here (furniture), but others are more in abundance and less there (paintings and artwork)

Peggy Braswell

Stuff happens when you least expect it + You will find the items you are looking for. xxpeggybraswelldesign.com


Oh, Corey, I feel like I've been there with you! My friend Jerry, who lives in Paris, is a great brocante-goer and is at the point where his wee apartment won't hold much more! Oh, to have unlimited space! Yes, I know what you mean about learning to walk or starting a business... I'm like that over here. How fun!

La Contessa

YOU DONE GOOD GIRLFRIEND!Everything you snapped at spoke to me!!!!!!!!

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French la Vie Creative Journeys in France. Please join me in 2023 to learn more click here
French La Vie started in 2005. I have the "Brocante Bug," which means antiquing is my cure; France can do me no wrong when it comes to treatment ° 35 years living in France with my French Husband, whom I met while dancing in San Francisco ° Two children, now in their early thirties, amour et joie ° Come join our journey either vicariously through my blog or on a French La Vie Week Retreat in Provence °