She stands tall
Most her age cannot.
Some younger than her cannot either.
And since she stopped dying her hair, nobody thinks we are sisters anymore.
You might have thought I was talking about the stone pillar in Greece...
No, I am talking about my Belle Mere.
When we arrived in Greece we knew we would visit ruins, my Belle Mere had heels. I kid you not. Plus a dress and a dress coat. She looked like she was going to church. Don't get me wrong, my Belle Mere is sportive, she has been her entire life. As she said to me when I asked if she wanted to change shoes, "Why, we are not hiking, just a small visit." You see up to about two years ago she hiked 15 miles a week, went to the gym everyday and swam.
Call her the road runner, I am the slug.
So in Greece we walked around the Messini ruins, I would venture ahead, then would wave to French Husband and Belle Mere, as if to say, "Yes come this way." When I saw the temple in the distance I worried if it might be too far, too many steps...
Nevertheless, I waved to come over, and thought they will decide if it is a go or not.
As they walked towards me I stood in utter awe of my Belle Mere, the temple stood, and my Belle Mere was its match.
Up and down these large steps in the arena she went.
The trooper, and French Husband with my purse that had everything we might need, but didn't.
I do not like carrying a purse.
Walking the long way around, or the sensible way around, slippery slope guided by a strong arm.
Note those tiny strong YOUNG looking legs!
So there I was exploring on my own, when all of a sudden French Husband is alongside of me by himself, I looked at him like I was a school kid on a day trip, "Where's your mom? Why are you not with her?" He grabbed me, saying, "Cannot I come and give you a squeeze?" I giggled, as he was giving me a squeeze I saw my Belle Mere in what I can only describe as, the photo of the trip!
I pushed that loving man away, grabbed my cell phone, wishing I had brought my camera on the trip, and prayed that it would at least capture what my eyes were seeing.
I wanted to yell to my Belle Mere, "Stop!" But I knew that would not help, so in the rain I held my cell phone as steady as I could.
My Belle Mere would later ask if she really is hunched over like that photo shows. I told her she looked lovely.
The seasons unfold each beautiful, each with its own rewards...
I have been surrounded by strong women. Seasoned with grace, courage and such admirable beauty.
My Grandmothers, my Aunts, my cousins, my mother, my Godmother, my Mother's friends, Annie and my Belle Mere.
I should be able to take on the world.
Another day.
More stairs.
No hesitation.
Up, up and up and up she went.
If we asked if she wanted to sit or rest, she would say,
"No no no."
and keep on going.
Sometimes I wanted to sit but heck if I was going to look like the wimp.
Whenever I saw a church I went inside and lite candles for Annie.
This particular church had plenty of beautiful icons.
Annie's light shines.
I wanted to dance in that beam.
We walked up and up and up... certainly to the moon and back.
The journey continues tomorrow.
Extraordinary photos. All of them.
Perhaps you love taking photos more than you know. You left the camera behind but the sense of beauty overwhelmed you and you had to capture it.
Posted by: Christine Baird | 27 January 2016 at 10:53 PM
I agree with Christine - all your photos are beautiful, Corey. My favorites on this day are the third of the temple and that gorgeous light coming into the church...Annie still shines so bright.
Oh, to follow in the footsteps of your Belle Mere. What a role model for us all.
(Continuing to pray for Thierry.)
Posted by: Star | 27 January 2016 at 11:05 PM
She is like a French Energizer bunny! Just looking at your gorgeous photos made my feet ache.
Posted by: Kipper | 27 January 2016 at 11:41 PM
FH is a trooper too. Whenever I am shopping with my husband, I just have to look at him and his response is, "NO! NO! NOT THE PURSE! NOT THE PURSE!" And, of course, he gets to hold the purse.
Posted by: ChicagoSheila | 28 January 2016 at 01:00 AM
What a truly wonderful treasure to have these strong women surrounding you. Your photos are amazing. Loved the ones with your Belle Mere. You are blessed.
Posted by: Marilyn | 28 January 2016 at 02:39 AM
So many blessings! Belle mere is beautiful!
Posted by: Debra | 28 January 2016 at 03:20 AM
Corey, those are beautiful photos.Thank you.
Your Belle Mere, what a lady, beautiful and strong.
Sending love and prayers to your friend Thierry.
Posted by: Alena | 28 January 2016 at 03:41 AM
You're words are such a funny, loving, honoring, admiring tribute and sigh. All I can do is smile.
Posted by: Julia | 28 January 2016 at 10:57 AM
WHAT A CAPTURE...........................FRAME THAT PHOTO COREY!!!
Posted by: La Contessa | 28 January 2016 at 06:06 PM
Your mother-in-law is amazing, and Yann is a dutiful son. Beautiful.
Posted by: Iowa Julie | 29 January 2016 at 01:29 AM