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26 January 2016


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Oh, my, this place calls to me. Such beauty. And I am sure you are right that the little villages are the cream of the crop. I'm sure I would swoon over the splash that is Paris, but the water is like my next of kin...I could see myself exploring Cassis and it's sisters at length.

"Soon we will not have to cast our goodbyes at the end of the day." Is something afoot that we will want to know more about?

pc brown

Swoon! I live in the Mojave Desert... it's pretty baron and all shades of beige. Looking at these beautiful colours makes my heart leap! To live in such a kaleidoscope would be dreamy and perfect and inspiring. Thanks for the tour!

Bev S.

Are you moving?


"Soon we will not have to cast our goodbyes at the end of the day."

AHA! I wondered, last time you made reference to Cassis. Farmboy Husband and I really loved that town when you took us there.


Now this is the second hint of a possible move! Can't wait to hear more. Sadly when we were in Provence we were exploring the hill country and missed these beautiful blue waters. I think one day I must come back to the sea.


Looking forward to the full story....a second home or a permanent home?


Cassis is such a wonderful place, but we always avoid going there in summertime, because it is so crowded with thousands of tourists. I prefer wintertime, it is often warm enough to sit on the terraces for lunch or coffee, but also quiet enough to enjoy the beautiful village.
I love your photos and I hope we'll finde the time to go to Cassis next time we are in the South (for us it's always a one hour ride then - but it's worth it


You are so lucky, to live where you do. I love your beautiful descriptions….


Wow! Really good pics Corey... reminds me of lunch we had last summer...


OMGosh! You and your camera are a phenomenal pair.
Thanks :) The COLOR !!!!!


Beautiful cliff, rock, natural cathedral - whatever it is, it's superb.

24/7 in France

Beautiful photos, Corey!

Julia - Vintage with Laces

Just gorgeous. I wish I were there ...

Marilyn Marcus

Hmmmm are you buying a place there. No more goodbyes at the end of the day? My girlfriend and I had a wonderful lunch there in October. On a gorgeous but very crowded Sunday. At the restaurant right on the beach. Not as charming as the cafes but great view and food

La Contessa



Ooooh, you, Carey, have such a way of tempting our thinking. Is there a move? or an additional place acquired? Looking forward to hearing the answer to the riddle.

Deb Archer

So well said Star, the water and these colors call to me as well. Beautiful pictures Corey, love this post.


Soon we will not have to cast our goodbyes at the end of the day.......

that sounds like VERY GOOD news!!!! I so wish I could say the same - not necessarily for Cassis (although I wouldn't mind that tooooooo much..... lol) bu returning to the shores of Lac Léman (Lake Geneva) - every single visit in Switzerland tears at my heart strings and returnng to hectic, unfriendly, but oddly wonderful and fascinating Paris (I'm talking about the City and not about the Country!) is a cultural shock.

Honestly, those pictures; I could hardly bear to look at them, they are SO utterly beautiful and all the places you listed which are 'en route' I know or have been travelling along/through/stayed.... it truly is a blessed region.

I wish you WELL; maybe it's time for you to move and obviously FH can work from any place he likes - sadly, this is not an option for us. Do what gives you joy; GOOD ON YOU COREY.

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French La Vie started in 2005. I have the "Brocante Bug," which means antiquing is my cure; France can do me no wrong when it comes to treatment ° 35 years living in France with my French Husband, whom I met while dancing in San Francisco ° Two children, now in their early thirties, amour et joie ° Come join our journey either vicariously through my blog or on a French La Vie Week Retreat in Provence °