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24 January 2016


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Earlier today I read an article about the health benefits of avoiding sugar. It did not mention the "un"benefits. Crankiness, overly emotional and sadness. Kale somehow will never make me as happy or taste as good as pastry does. The baba rhumb looks fabulous!

Anne Chung

order and eat some sforgliatelle or a lot of them. Naples is the only place to eat them!

Jacklynn Lantry

That recipe looks wonderful. Re Kipper's response above-isn't it true that drinking is good for your health? Maybe the rum cancels out the sugar? I'm sure it does. I had a sforgliatelle once in NYC's little Italy-I'd never had one before and it was still warm from the oven. I finished it, turned around and walked back to the bakery and got another one toute de suite!

Shelley Noble

Chelsea's tushy must be like the perfect dough to pinch so expertly!

Linda P.

I loved the visit back to the past and to this one-day visit to Italy. I can't wait to read what it's meant to introduce in the next post.


Oh! I would buy everything in that antique shop and then have broth for breakfast, lunch, and dinner to pay for my sins


Just great Corey!! I loved everything about this Naples post when you first wrote it so now I fear I won't sleep tonight waiting for the next post!!!! Lol

Wendy in Kennewick

Forget the food.... he is gorgeous!!!! and so are the nativities!

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