I have a confession to make, during the last two weeks French Husband, my Belle-Mere (Mother in Law), Alice and I went on a Mediterranean cruise. Which in itself is not a confession, the confession is that I cheated and wrote my blog posts in advance and had them posted automatically. I did not take my laptop, nor my camera, instead I opt-ed for my cell phone to take photos and used it three or four times to post to Facebook. In the last ten years I cannot recall such a break. It was much needed and felt divine to be disconnected. Overall I did not go online more than ten minutes during the last two weeks.
The sea,
the stars,
the different countries and places,
the food,
the company
gave direction.
Most likely the next few days I will post about our cruise. We started in Marseille, went to Savona Italy where we met by chance an elderly man name Claudio and had lunch together. Then we went to Naples I headed straight to the santon/nativity streets and also had a baba rhum, the next stop was Kalamata where I asked the first Greek person I saw where could I have the best Greek yogurt, disappointment was nowhere to be found. So far it sounds like I followed my tastebuds around Europe... I did. After we sailed to Nafplio, the ship arrived early which meant we had two days to explore, after we went to Volos, grabbed a taxi to see the Meteora monastery... breathtaking. We sailed on to Athens where I tried to meet up with a blog reader Julia, but unfortunately we did not meet. It goes without saying what we saw... We had a few days at sea, the vast Mediterranean gently rolling us along where sea and sky are one, our last stop before home was Sicily.
Saturated color follows me when I close my eyes.
How much weight did I gain?
Go ahead guess.
Feast I did, and now famine will have to be my calling.
French Husband and I celebrated our 28th wedding anniversary on the cruise. Though the cruise was more about French Husband being with his mom. What a trooper she is! At eighty-six she walked, climbed, and danced alongside of us from morning pass midnight. Unbelievable appetite and she didn't gain a pound. My mother in law's stamina is incredible... many times I said to myself, "If I cannot do more than she can now, I will never be able to do so when I am seventy, let alone eighty-six."
Alice had her doubts about cruising, she felt a tad bit seasick at first and then the cruise life took over... She didn't gain a pound either, nor did French Husband, and they all ate as much or more than me!
Anyway we were a motley crew of happy well being.
Some of the steps my mother in law walked...
We took a tender to shore in Greece from the main ship. When we left the ship the sea was calm, but when we came back, what an adventure! But that story is for another day. My mother in law laughed the entire way as if it was a joy ride.
Orange trees lined the streets, but they were not edible.
A walk along the dock at twilight.
And then far out at sea we had a phone call...
Our friend, Thierry tried to take his life.
The empty shock, the utter feeling of helplessness, sadness.
We saw him today, many prayers are needed. Healing will be long from the monster called Bipolarism that is destroying his life.
Our cruise was one of many waves.
Prayers said at each and every church.
I lite candles for Thierry and Annie, side by side.
Annie was Greek.
My thoughts held her close. I imagined talking to her, asking her about recipes, places, myth and the soil that keeps us grounded to the soul.
I felt her hand as I walked among the ruins, by the icons in the churches, and while I ate desserts that I never heard of.
I could so see her sitting on her chair by the kitchen table, leaning towards me in delight, asking me what I thought about this and that.
I miss her beyond anything I can say.
Light reflecting on the ruins of the Parthenon.
Nothing remains the same and yet...
Oh Corey. What a wonderful trip. I know Annie was with you the whole time. And Thierry has my prayers winging their way to him.
Posted by: RebeccaNYC | 20 January 2016 at 12:40 AM
"I felt her hand as I walked among the ruins" so beautiful
Posted by: Al from Chicago | 20 January 2016 at 12:59 AM
This post. Such beauty and such tragedy.
My daughter took her life 18 months ago. She was perfect and only 27. Mental illness is the most difficult trial. An illusion. A beast. A constant nightmare. Relentless and mean. Exhausting. Those who fight it daily amaze me with their hope, endurance, and will.
I believe God holds a special place, illuminated and bathed in His glorious light for those who are bound to this earthly mental torture and, in the end, He will grant them a love they can accept and bloom in. A light they were denied on earth.
Thierry. Thierry will be deep in my heart, and constantly in my prayers. I hope well for him. I send him much love.
Posted by: pc brown | 20 January 2016 at 01:17 AM
I had the sense the posts were not live-weird but true happy that the break from it all was so refreshing in mind body and spirit-also last thrusday I had the constant thought of Thierry-I am not lying-all day from first thing in the morning... I was wondering if he and gail(I know the spelling is incorrect) were still an item and maybe if a marriage had happened-I was going to ask .... needless to say I will implore all my intercessors for all that is needed-in mind body and spirit-Happy 28 years!
Posted by: g | 20 January 2016 at 02:56 AM
My friend's sister took her life last year, in Paris, where she'd lived for the last 30 years. So sad, but she is at peace now, after a life of torment. It is difficult, if you don't suffer from any type of mental illness, to comprehend the utter hopelessness of it. The constant weight of it, every day, all day, with no relief. I am so sorry that Thierry, and you and Yann, (and pc brown) are having to deal with this difficult, difficult life circumstance. Take special care.
Posted by: Jacklynn Lantry | 20 January 2016 at 02:58 AM
You have my sympathy in your loss. I'm sure it seems like yesterday and not 18 months ago. As you suggest, we must believe that His plan provides release from the constant battle faced here on this earth. You are in my prayers, PC.
Posted by: Star | 20 January 2016 at 03:13 AM
I'm glad for your time away and the ability to disconnect for awhile from the cares of ordinary days. All of your beautiful photos will bring back the joys of your time together as you return to home and routine. Alice sounds like a wonderful traveling companion and truly a part of your family.
Keeping Thierry and all of you close in prayer.
Posted by: Star | 20 January 2016 at 03:26 AM
Mental illnesses are in fact physical illnesses, and few families are untouched by bipolarity, schizophrenia, etc. My dearest cousin's only child, who was bipolar, committed suicide by overdose a few years ago, and the sorrow is still so strong.
I hope the medical treatment Thierry receives will restore his equilibrium and make life more bearable, even pleasant, for him again. He is fortunate to have such loyal friends as you and Yann.
Posted by: Kathie | 20 January 2016 at 03:43 AM
Oh, so many emotions! My first thought upon reading was "Good for her! She needed to take a real vacation. What a trip!" Reading on, though, my heart dropped. I am so sorry about your friend and his illness. That beast affects all who are intertwined with the afflicted. Prayers for Thierry even as I write. And for Annie, she WAS holding your hand! I imagine she was so very happy you were in Greece. I'm sorry your heart aches so.
Posted by: LauraInSeattle | 20 January 2016 at 04:17 AM
...And yet.
So sorry to hear of Thierry's struggles.
Annie surely was with you in those places.
The photos you took were worth waiting for. Brava!
Don't lose an ounce of your joié!
Posted by: Shelley Noble | 20 January 2016 at 04:39 AM
Beautiful photos, what a lovely trip. I can't wait to read more about it.
I am so very sad to read about Thierry, and I add my prayers.
Posted by: Susan | 20 January 2016 at 04:46 AM
Your post was lovely written as always. I will pray for Thierry, but I'm curious...is he still with the lady you introduced him to? I was so hoping they were enjoying a wonderful life together.
Also, happy Anniversary to you two. A cuter couple I do not know.
Posted by: dee | 20 January 2016 at 05:22 AM
PC, I am so terribly sorry for your unimaginable loss.
Posted by: Momof5 | 20 January 2016 at 05:57 AM
Oh Corey, it sounds glorious for all of you.
But also so full of the joy and loss that is life. Healing thoughts going out for Theiry.
Posted by: Momof5 | 20 January 2016 at 06:00 AM
My heart cries so much for your loss.
Sending much love from across the world. x
Posted by: Nikki Maxwell | 20 January 2016 at 06:36 AM
So many aching hearts in this world and yet so many who open their arms to hold another in their grief. The tenderness shared from all these fellow blog friends touches me with the beauty of it. The soul would have no rainbow, had the eye no tear.
Posted by: Patti L | 20 January 2016 at 06:50 AM
With every prayer and best wish for Thierry and PC Brown...
Posted by: Leslie in Oregon | 20 January 2016 at 08:16 AM
A beautiful bittersweet break for you. Prayers for Thierry and lots of God's lovely light for the sad places in your heart.
Posted by: Evelyn | 20 January 2016 at 08:41 AM
I'm so sorry to hear about Thierry, Corey. I had hoped the relationship would help him. It will take some time to recover and I wish him all the best. A friend of mine had tried to take her life about 2 years ago. She seems to be fine now but you never really know. I'm always glad when I talk to her and she sounds happy, positive and talks about projects she is working on or plans for the future.
Good for you that you took a trip and had some fun and some yummy treats. Vacations are not the right time to count calories.
Posted by: Julia - Vintage with Laces | 20 January 2016 at 09:01 AM
Corey, so glad to hear you were able to disconnect for a bit. Delighted that you and Yann and belle mere, and Alice were cruising the beautiful sea. As the mom of three grown sons I love to see men (boys) and their moms. Happy Anniversary! And so sorry to hear of your friend Thierry, sending prayers his way. You write so beautifully of light and dark, love and loss, it is life. So fragile, so valuable. What a dear friend to write so sweetly of Annie. You are beautiful!
Posted by: Deb Archer | 20 January 2016 at 01:19 PM
Beautiful words and pictures. Thanks for sharing them.
Posted by: Paulita | 20 January 2016 at 01:20 PM
It is so important to "retreat" from our lives. I'm glad that you had a restful time filled with renewal.
I gasped when I read about Thierry. Many have already said such comforting words. I pray that Thierry is able to get the help and the peace he needs.
Posted by: Bev S. | 20 January 2016 at 01:46 PM
welcome home from a fabulous cruise.. your posts always inspire me. today is no exception.
first my prayers for thierry.. yes, mental illness is a struggle.. so glad he survived.. there will be good times for him and he would have missed them.. sending him hugs galore..
your mother in law is an inspiration.. at my age, i thought i had a couple more years of traveling.. she gives me a new lease on life.. imagine that! at 86 ..still strong and climbing all those amphitheater steps.. kudos for her..
and congratulations on 28 years together.. what a beautiful love story.. yann and corey and 2 fantastic children..
thanks for the recap! await more stories about the cruise..
your faithful friend lana cano kloch
Posted by: Lana Kloch | 20 January 2016 at 04:37 PM
Oh Corey, how wonderful to disconnect with the electronic world - to spend time with Yann and his mother and Alice.....and Annie as you walked the streets of Greece. I am sure she was smiling on you with such delight ...a friendship that will forever wrap around you with warmth and comfort.
Thierry, dear man...prayers without ceasing for a healing. It is, I am certain, another roller coaster ride for Yann as he sits by his friend and partner in work and life....and you and your children....another rough spot for you all as this disease once again ravages life for Thierry and all who love him.
Sending my love to you all....I hold you in love and light.
Posted by: Kristin | 20 January 2016 at 04:44 PM
What a wonderful cruise and beautiful way to celebrate and anniversary! I am quite envious. I just got a new puppy and am housebound. Happily housebound...
Posted by: Eileen | 20 January 2016 at 05:00 PM
It is amazing how connected to your life and rhythm we have grown. I thought of Thierry myself out of the blue the other day and was wondering, hopefully, how he was. I'm so sorry that he continues to struggle. Prayers sent for him and all those who love him.
What a grand adventure you all had. I'm thrilled and happy for you to have had this little break in routine. Belle Mere is an amazing woman and I will use her as a role model of how I intend to be at her age. Marvelous. Also glad Alice was able to go with you as well as Annie, in spirit. She will be with you always for every grand adventure.
Welcome home.
Posted by: SusieQ | 20 January 2016 at 05:02 PM
Corey! I was clapping my hands, you escaping technology - how wonderful - and with such joyous company! Then to hear about Theirry, such a horrible reminder that life goes on. I hope you will not be afraid to take more opportunities like this, it clears ones mind and makes you stronger when you come home. Blessings and kisses to you and yours.
Posted by: Ulla | 20 January 2016 at 06:18 PM
So poetic and beautifully said...
Posted by: Ulla | 20 January 2016 at 06:22 PM
In every beautiful life, there are heartbreaking reminders of human strife. Sadly, Thierry's painful struggles become those of the people who love him. The ultimate responsibility is his, and finding a way to cope with his challenges, unfortunately, are yours. Holding dear, the ones you love, both in life and in memory, and sharing those thoughts with others arund the world, are your saving grace. I wish the same gift for Thierry.
Posted by: Chico Sue | 20 January 2016 at 06:31 PM
A richly deserved holiday for all of you. Keeping Thierry in my thoughts.
Posted by: Barbara Blizzard | 20 January 2016 at 06:49 PM
Good for you, everyone needs to disconnect. I refreshes everything, your mind, your spirit and your body. My husband, who is Greek, travel to Greece and fell in love for everything about the country. We were able to visit the village (Piana) where his grandfather was born and raised, until he immigrated to the US.
Posted by: Sharon N | 20 January 2016 at 06:58 PM
Prayers for Thierry. Mental illness can be relentless.
Posted by: Linda | 20 January 2016 at 07:55 PM
What a fabulous trip you have all had. So lovely to share your anniversary and enjoy all the sites and sounds and tastes of the Med. It is a great shame about Thierry, but he is lucky enough to have your care and attention and help as he struggles on. Lovely for you to see the place that Annie came from and remember all things about her anew. Go well
Posted by: Jennifer Phillipps | 20 January 2016 at 11:15 PM
So sorry Thierry is struggling again. Sending good thoughts his way. What a special adventure for all four of you. So happy you all were up to doing it and dancing till midnight.
Posted by: Marilyn | 21 January 2016 at 02:16 AM
Dear Corey, sorry to hear about Thierry. Wishing him a quick recovery.
You were in Naples, I'm guessing you did the day trip to Pompeii or Herculaneum. And if so, I confess I'm jealous.
Posted by: Diogenes | 21 January 2016 at 05:20 AM
Good for you all to take a relaxing vacation to some amazing places..would love to see all the ruins of Greece..and Italy and...well, everywhere. My heart goes out to your friend, Thierry..I understand some of that lifelong battle of the mind..I hope he gets all the help & care to overcome..there is help.
Posted by: tammyCA | 21 January 2016 at 07:32 AM
Oh, my heart goes out to you. If we know a measure of it here then there must be an even greater, infinite love, of a place of peace for those who suffer so on Earth.
Posted by: tammyCA | 21 January 2016 at 08:07 AM
Thank you Star, this means a lot to me. Prayers do indeed help. : )
Posted by: pc brown | 22 January 2016 at 03:45 AM
Thank you Momof5, this is sweet of you, hugs.
Posted by: pc brown | 22 January 2016 at 03:46 AM
Thank you Nikki, the love is good...hoping some of that loves falls over all who need it as it wings its way across the seas. <3
Posted by: pc brown | 22 January 2016 at 03:49 AM
oh Tammy, yes. I truly believe she is alive in pure light and love now. God is so good, and He has a plan for us all that is glorious. Thank you.
Posted by: pc brown | 22 January 2016 at 03:51 AM
Jacklynn, hugs and so much love to you and your sister. Thank you for your kindness.
Posted by: pc brown | 22 January 2016 at 03:53 AM
Kathie you have my heart as you go through this, much love and hope for you all.
Posted by: pc brown | 22 January 2016 at 03:54 AM
Thank you Leslie, so thoughtful of you, hugs.
Posted by: pc brown | 22 January 2016 at 03:56 AM
So sorry for your loss. Bless you for reaching out and sharing love.
Posted by: Paula Tyner | 22 January 2016 at 04:10 AM
Bless you and yours , Corey. What a bittersweet time for you.
I am so sorry for the loss of Annie. What a friend she was , and what a special woman!
Blessings and good thoughts for Thierry.
The photos at dusk are especially poignant.
Be safe. Be calm.
Posted by: Paula Tyner | 22 January 2016 at 04:17 AM
Many prayers will be said for your loved ones. R
Posted by: robin williams | 22 January 2016 at 04:35 AM
Will keep you in my prayers. Life offers much sadness and much beauty! Keep us posted! In your own time. Many friends are sending love and hopefulness.
Posted by: Liana | 22 January 2016 at 07:08 AM
Everyone has already said everything so well already. As usual, I am catching up on a few days' worth of posts, reading backwards. When I got to the post with candles in the dark, I wondered what had preceded that post to cause your dark musings. And now I find it. My heart is leaning toward you and your beloveds.
Meanwhile, you are brilliant to take time out from the daily responsibility, even though self-imposed, of telling us of your daily doings, of being online, and documenting as you go. For two whole weeks you got to just LIVE and BE! Fabulous. I'm glad for that for you.
Posted by: Rebecca from the pacific northwest | 23 January 2016 at 01:14 AM
How did you get the photo to make the colors so intense (and focused only on Yann and Belle Mere) in that one Parthenon picture?
Oh this blog is frustrating sometimes. I ask questions that I don't expect to ever get answers to. Why can't we live next door.
Posted by: Rebecca from the pacific northwest | 23 January 2016 at 01:15 AM
Beautiful as always..........BUT the THIERRY NEWS!!!
You found him a GIRLFRIEND I thought ALL was good!
Posted by: La Contessa | 23 January 2016 at 06:03 PM
I really hope your friend will find within the strenght to survive his difficult life. My toughts are with him and with you.
Posted by: Gracie | 29 January 2016 at 01:30 PM