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06 March 2016


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So exciting! Thank you for sharing this with us - can't wait to watch the transformation!

Bev S.

I hope and pray that the work goes smoothly and safely.


Corey this gives a really good idea of what the space is. Love those beams they are fantastic.


Are their houses on both sides of you?

French la Vie

Thank you! I hope so.

French la Vie

Oh yes! All along the port. I will share a photo.


there, ugh.


Thanks would love to see the front!


Oh that view!


I just know it will be beautiful when you are all finished. Love those skinny bones.


I visited Cassis a few years ago so know exactly where you are - what a wonderful view and fabulous place to have a house! Really look forward to seeing the transformation as you weave your magic.

Jacklynn Lantry

Ok, I see my part here...I can haul debris, I can babysit, I can be a gopher (Jackie, can you gopher this, can you gopher that?) AND I will work for free (can I stick a sleeping bag in the loft?)


May the Lord watch over everyone as they work and may He give you divine inspiration for the design and a huge heap of grace for all involved.

If nothing else, you can always give thanks that you aren't having to live in the space while it is being renovated.

I know it will turn out as lovely as your other two homes.


I can see it already-smooth sailing is my prayer for you the workmen and the overall project!


So happy for you. Thanks for sharing pictures.....Blessings to you and to the work being done. May you find no surprises!


The view from the kitchen window is sublime! Can't wait to see the progress.


Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it's off to work you go...


So excited for you and Yann...


Our French Oasis

What fun and the views are amazing. Really looking forward to you showing us how the progresses.


I am impressed with the amount of structural changes. We are considering buying in Spain (we live in Tenerife) but the amount of rules/procedures and taxes we have to follow are a bit scary. Did you need to present an architect/engineer plan to the city hall?

I am looking forward to seeing how the project goes. Good luck!


The view is just magic. I have visited Cassis a couple of times - it is a really lovely spot! Can't wait to see the wonderful transformation. Whatever "style" you choose - I am sure it will be stunning. How exciting!!


Looking forward to watching the process from here!


This is SO exciting!!! Same but wayyy different than fixing up our little holiday farmhouse in Prince Edward Island. I swear I could feel the old house appreciating every bit of polish. Can't wait to see all of your progress and to, hopefully, be one day be one of your tenants!


So exciting, will be fun to share t progress! Maybe it will be done by our next visit.
Best wishes!

Heather in Arles

Bon Courage à tous, Corey! It will be so worth it...

Carol L

Slow and steady wins the race. What about a tube down the stairs with a collection bin at the bottom?


Oh my goodness you guys are Trojans! You definitely don't do anything by halves!
I Love your vision .....it's going to be a most amazing transformation... Looking forward to the journey with you... From the comfort of afar!

Terri N Texas

Oh boy! Now the fun starts!! Now that I've seen the inside to this extent, I think I like your antique French style for this apartment. I just can't envision a modern look. Are there any other modern renovated apartments in the same building? I love both styles.

Gretchen Seibert

Wow! Your workers should be part mountain goats to get this accomplished! Cannot wait to see the transformation!

Shelley Noble

Best of luck to all involved!


This made me shudder..... as it reminds me of our tiny house on FOUR floors in Lutry, Switzerland. And yet, and yet: With all the work 'my' (then) tiny house was a joy to behold, a treasure and when we moved (again), it got sold within 20' of the 1st and only visitor. Such was the charm - and I can see it right in front of me happening wih your flat too.... And as others said it: You won't have to live WITH the dust and rubble and dirt (as we had to!).
Good luck; it WILL BE ALRIGHT and beautiful.

I find that in France the most difficult thing is not even the admin bother (and that's bad enough - AND you will do that in a conservation area of the 1st degree I suppose) but is to find decent, honest and hard-working 'artisans'. Especially good luck with your young man; you seem to be lucky indeed.

Lots of love, croissants and espresso :)

Sharon Morrison

Love the changes. Take a picture of the inside stairwell going to the loft. Curious mind here.

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French la Vie Creative Journeys in France. Please join me in 2023 to learn more click here
French La Vie started in 2005. I have the "Brocante Bug," which means antiquing is my cure; France can do me no wrong when it comes to treatment ° 35 years living in France with my French Husband, whom I met while dancing in San Francisco ° Two children, now in their early thirties, amour et joie ° Come join our journey either vicariously through my blog or on a French La Vie Week Retreat in Provence °