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27 May 2017


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I count it a privilege to follow along on her blog and Instagram. I learn something new with each post. Chelsea is doing more than just her job, she is living out her compassion.


Love your shoes! Go Chelsea!


Corey, you inspire people in more ways than you can imagine. I don't mean just about the pretties either. You inspire and teach about love...that's very important...


Chelsea is expressing through her life's choices all that she learned about love, caring, compassion and doing for others from her growing up in the arms of pure love....from you and Yann, her brother Sacha and all of your extended family and friends. Children do grow to explore and expand their horizons when they feel safe and secure where they are. You have given me more morning reads filled with the very essence she is now expressing...the fruit surely does not fall far from the tree.
All so very beautiful.....and a light of hope in these challenging times.

Ann of Avondale

Corey, just be true to self....God doesn't ask more from us than to be close to Him. We don't have to do amazing things on a big scale, just small things done with love, which you do everyday.

BTW - doesn't appear you will be a grandmother any time soon. Wasn't there a wedding in the works with Mr. Espresso and Chelsea?


Beautiful pictures. And very cool shoes!


quelles chaussures, love it!!!! rouge...oh là là....très cool..

Stubblejumpers Cafe

Done! Followed.
Chelsea has a great eye for a photo, doesn't she! Gee, wonder where she gets THAT from ... hee!

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French La Vie started in 2005. I have the "Brocante Bug," which means antiquing is my cure; France can do me no wrong when it comes to treatment ° 35 years living in France with my French Husband, whom I met while dancing in San Francisco ° Two children, now in their early thirties, amour et joie ° Come join our journey either vicariously through my blog or on a French La Vie Week Retreat in Provence °