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28 November 2018


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I love all of your stories, and all you share.
All things grow with love and tender loving care.
Love Jeanne


I love that story!

Kathie B

Ugh, I recall snails in everyone's gardens when I was growing up. And on the sidewalks, where it was sometimes hard to avoid stepping on them.

Snails aren't indigenous to northern California, and my mother claimed that in the late 1800s a few enterprising immigrants figured that since our climate was similar to their native land (where snails thrived), they could run a profitable small farm business raising them as escargots, i.e., to sell as gourmet food.

Unfortunately, the snails escaped and went feral (resulting, among other things, in subsequent generations of them reverting to the norm and thus not being large enough to be practical for food). I always assumed it must've been French immigrants who introduced the snails, but now wonder if it was Azoreans instead :-)


Every time I see a snail here in Seattle, I think of butter, spinach and garlic and remember I don’t have escargot spoons 😁. Chelsea seems have always had good explanations for things. Love this story


I love, love this story. How wise Chelsea was and How wise you were to get them involved.




A wise woman indeed.....


Yummy, escargot.


Tina *y*


Another wonderful "Corey Story"...I treasure each and every one of them.

Jennifer Doherty

I enjoyed this story so much. So sweet!

Sharon CrigSt

While I do not love escargot, I love your blog posts! This was a super cute one that made me smile - big! 😀 🐌

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