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30 May 2022


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Neat nighties. Fun photo with Top Models.


I love the sleeves !!!
PS for the shell mirror, please don't make an extra effort on my behalf, I love it, but am certain that it's very expensive ;)

Jennifer Phillipps

You both look very fetching....full of mischief! Jennie, NZ


Fun times and memories to last forever.
Much love always


Fun- loving twins! Great memories!💕


The older we get, the more fun we become. 😄


They are really cute. I would wear as a dress.

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French la Vie Creative Journeys in France. Please join me in 2023 to learn more click here
French La Vie started in 2005. I have the "Brocante Bug," which means antiquing is my cure; France can do me no wrong when it comes to treatment ° 35 years living in France with my French Husband, whom I met while dancing in San Francisco ° Two children, now in their early thirties, amour et joie ° Come join our journey either vicariously through my blog or on a French La Vie Week Retreat in Provence °