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24 September 2023


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Cynthia Thompson

It was very good Sunday Corey! So excited for the new French La vie group! Thank you in advance for not only showing your guest a great time and adventure, but including all of us!!! With your wonderful writing and pictures, I always feel as if I am with you all. Blessings


Have a lovely time with your new guests, dear Corey. A guaranteed fabulous and unforgettable experience!💕

Teddee Grace

I am so envious! I know your guests are going to have a wonderful time and look forward to reading about your adventures.


Love the arrangement of those plates on the wall, so artfully done! Corey you definitely have the design eye.


Have fun! Wish I were there!


Beautiful collections!

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French la Vie Creative Journeys in France. Please join me in 2023 to learn more click here
French La Vie started in 2005. I have the "Brocante Bug," which means antiquing is my cure; France can do me no wrong when it comes to treatment ° 35 years living in France with my French Husband, whom I met while dancing in San Francisco ° Two children, now in their early thirties, amour et joie ° Come join our journey either vicariously through my blog or on a French La Vie Week Retreat in Provence °