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08 April 2024


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Have a great time.
Yes, thank you for the perfume bottle labels.
I think I will try to incorporate them into some art cards I make.


It’s always exciting to read about your group adventures !
I’d love to receive doll house miniatures - tiny brocante that can serve as decor for my Blythe dolls lol !


Coucou ma chère Corey, tellement heureuse que ta filles partage avec toi !! La plus belle chose 🤩je vous souhaite que du bonheur et des trouvailles magnifiques. un jour je vous rejoins, je le souhaiterais vraiment pour moi . Pour le moment hélas pas possible… toujours en quête de trouver un logement à l’année qui me convient. Je pense à vous toutes, passez une belle semaine avec des surprises fantastique qui vous réchauffent le cœur ♥️. Tina

Cynthia Thompson

I am so excited for you all! Thank you Corey for sharing the adventure with us online...your photos and updates make me feel as if I am there. Blessings


Enjoy all that is in front of you. Hope you all find treasures that make your hearts sing.

Bev S.

Have a wonderful time and safe travels. I love my small cross that you sent. It is next to my heart in difficult situations.

Ginny Clarke

Bravo and congratulations Corey on the 2024
inaugural adventure. Be brave Chelsea….You will do a great job. Have fun all you lucky treasure hunters!


Corey, I would love some old dice. I know I’m greedy! Two to fashion into earrings would be wonderful….


I received a letter written in the 1700s from you. What a treasure. How to translate? My neighbor sent a photo of it to her friend in France and we got an answer. Someone is inquiring about money owed his windowed sister. Our french friend said the language is old french and , of course, difficult to decipher but he at least got the gist of it and satisfied my curiosite.
merci beaucoup!


Enjoy the bonds of friendship and fun —- and sharing it with Chelsea!!

Sandy V

Like mother like daughter--how perfect!

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French la Vie Creative Journeys in France. Please join me in 2023 to learn more click here
French La Vie started in 2005. I have the "Brocante Bug," which means antiquing is my cure; France can do me no wrong when it comes to treatment ° 35 years living in France with my French Husband, whom I met while dancing in San Francisco ° Two children, now in their early thirties, amour et joie ° Come join our journey either vicariously through my blog or on a French La Vie Week Retreat in Provence °