Hello! Bonjour!
My name is Corey Amaro and I am a Franco-American married to a Frenchman and have lived and breathed the French lifestyle and brocantes for over thirty years in Provence.
For those of you who have recently stumbled here let me tell you a bit about myself. Thirty-five years ago, I met my French husband in San Francisco where I was working, and he was venturing across the USA in a beat up car. Shortly after, we got married and I moved to France. At that time, I did not speak French, and my husband, Yann, who I refer to as French Husband on my blog, spoke very little English. It was the beginning of an adventure, and plenty of made up sign language.
Fast-forward to today, we have two grown children, Chelsea and Sacha, who were born and raised in France. They are bilingual, a testament to our love for both cultures. We also have two young grandchildren, Gabriel and Olivia, who have become part of my blog too.
My blog is a collection of stories about living in France, my reflections on sharing life with those around me, and my passion for the brocantes on a daily basis since I started this blog back in 2005. I hope you enjoy reading it, and I look forward to reading your comments. If you come to France, please feel free to give me a call.

I am passionate about old things and enjoy sharing my experiences and connections with others.