Soon to be on the Go




Soon, as in days or maybe even now

this Little One is going to crawl and when she does

she will be called, ’” Go Go Baby ".


6 responses to “Soon to be on the Go”

  1. Marilyn

    I love “go-go baby”. Look out, she is heading for adventures.

  2. Shelley Noble

    Fantastic shots. She looks like a duplicate copy of her parebts!

  3. How precious indeed
    Much love and I love go go baby

  4. Jennifer Phillipps

    Ready and raring to go, then before you have blinked she will be on her feet and running! She looks glorious..Go Go Girl! Jennie, NZ

  5. Linda Piazza

    From our vantage points as grandmothers, she has arrived at this moment in lightning speed!

  6. Chico Sue

    “Ready to Go, Go, Go”! That is what I used to say to my first grandson,(who is now 27 years old) after I strapped him into his car seat. He called me GoGo from that time on. Now the younger ones, who are 7 and 9 years old, continue the tradition of calling me GoGo. Your little one will probably call you what Gabriel calls you but you are definitely a grandma on the go, and this little one will be following in your footsteps in no time flat!

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