A Collection
















A collection seems to catch attention more a than a single piece.

or at least it brings us in to look.

As a buyer, an entire collection saves time and energy if the price is right.

A grouping of things catches the eye, not to say that a single piece doesn't, though when a collection is at hand it beckons you to see what you can find.

Photos from the Brocante in Lyon.

I didn't buy anything above but I found plenty nevertheless.


4 responses to “A Collection”

  1. Glassware, dishes, pottery are my kind of collections. The spice jars are especially appealing because they are mostly unmatched!

  2. Corey:
    Have you seen the PBS documentary on the restoration of NOTRE DAME? I tried to forward it to you just now, but don’t know if it succeeded.
    If not….I’m sure you can Google it. It is an AMAZING behind-the-scenes of the wonderful work that so many are doing to restore that iconic building!

  3. Elizabeth Schaeffer

    So excited to see you were in Lyon. My grandson, Jacques, is a cadet at West Point in upstate New York and has been training and studying in Lyon for the last several months. Soon to come home for Christmas. He loved Lyon.

  4. Yes, I can imagine a whole collection would catch the eye.
    We can’t look away. We can’t NOT see it.

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