My friend Erika sent me this photo of Yann and me.
Paris, 1988
Stories Collected While Living in France
My friend Erika sent me this photo of Yann and me.
Paris, 1988
Wow! What a great photo of Gorgeous and Handsome! All these years later —— only hair color has changed.
Lol, oh how I wish!
What a lovely picture. You both were and are a lovely, handsome couple. Lucky you to be together so many years.
Thank you xxx
Oh Corey! Frame it!
I should 😀
Lovely pic of you two! The 80s was a fun time to be young. I lived in New York City then.
Wasn’t it! Dancing!
If only we could have the beauty of our youth combined with the wisdom that come from age…
Ah may oui!
When we look at photos of ourselves when we were young, it’s always a shock! We were all gorgeous. Sadly we did not know it. Always comparing ourselves to everyone
So young, and happy!!!
Very true.
Such a cute picture of the two of you.
Oh, my goodness, I see Gabriel in Yann’s face.
Sweet pic.
Your hair would look great with that style now!!!!!
My hair isn’t the same. Not just the color. The texture !
We adore you two!!!
I love it. You both look so happy. 😊
So nice to see you both so young and still happy together. A match made in heaven for sure.
Thank you x
Vous êtes encore aujourd’hui de même 💝💝💝💝
Such a beautiful couple. You still are.
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