Guess Where?

Guess where I am going tomorrow?

and if you do I will send you a postcard when I am there.



Tree of Life

Nothing to do with where I am going.

Often I walk by. It looks better in real life. So I thought to take a photo of it.



37 responses to “Guess Where?”

  1. I say Italy to the house that is being re-done.

  2. Kathy Woods


  3. Istanbul
    Ot Mykonos
    There I got in two guesses LOLOL

  4. The Azores?

  5. Willows!

  6. Diane Merrick

    Home to Willows, California!

  7. Willows!

  8. Willows or Italy!

  9. Jennifer Phillipps

    Willows would be the first guess or Portland, Oregon to see Sacha!

  10. California to see your mom

  11. Italy!

  12. Willows

  13. Italy?

  14. To see Yann’s mother or Willows

  15. Susan in Zurich


  16. Annafromindiana


  17. Brocante!

  18. Brocant possibly ?

  19. Italy

  20. Willows CA – To see your mother.❤️
    Wherever you roam, may your trip be lovely.

  21. My guess is Willows, but wherever you go have a wonderful time!

  22. Glowing moon …and bald men could it be the monastery?

  23. Ginny Clarke

    You are going to….a brocante!

  24. Italy was my first instinct so I’m sticking to it. Italy. Looking forward to the postcard 😊

  25. Home to to your Mom in Willows.

  26. To Italy to buy a house!

  27. I do hope you are going to see your dear mother. California has yet again had a bad year weather wise. I trust she is well.

  28. Willows

  29. Irene Thomas

    A visit to see Yann’s mother. (My first thought).

  30. Laurie Hodson

    Has to be Willows!!!

  31. Bette Lee Collins

    Willows to visit your Mother….

  32. Teddee Grace

    I expect many of your readers are correct and you are heading back here to the states to Willow, California, to see your Mom, Sacha and other relatives!

  33. I adore seeing beautiful trees!
    Happy travels!

  34. Willows! Have fun!

  35. Lynn Jackson


  36. You’re going to Sintra !!!

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