An Apple Romance


Take an apple and caress it on your sleeve until the delicious golden sunshine beams.

Core the center (by piercing around the stem), creating a golden bead.

Interweave the autumn jewels: Walnuts, dates, cinnamon, raisins, and a hint of nutmeg.

Bathe in maple syrup

Overflow the heart.

Gently bake the golden gem until the colors fuse.

Before serving, add a dollop of creme fraiche and a touch of mint.



6 responses to “An Apple Romance”

  1. I don’t know what this is called but it sounds wonderful.

  2. Beautiful creatons always
    Love Jeanne

  3. Ella Dyer

    Chère Corey,
    Et voilà, your poetry prowess transcends to your culinary creativity; ‘achèterai des pommes la prochaine fois je faire les cours !
    Bonne fin de semaine,

  4. Sounds delightful💕

  5. Sounds yummy — but please hold the raisins!

  6. Yummmm!

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