A Picture at the Brocante


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15 responses to “A Picture at the Brocante”

  1. Anne Green

    Wakey, wakey, darling.

  2. gina lanman

    Lord, put your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth. -Alanon Quotes and Wisdom

  3. Melanie Rost

    You’ve been gone for two days and why is there blood on your shirt?

  4. Jennifer Phillipps

    Let sleeping dogs lie!

  5. Get up ya lazy b****rd,before y’set the house on fire!

  6. Diogenes

    No more double margaritas at El Compadre happy hour!

  7. “François! Wake up, your wife called.”

  8. Annafromindiana

    From the old T.V. Show —The Life of Riley—-“What a revoltin’ development this is!!”

  9. Ann Franke

    Wake up or get out. We’re going to have a conversation!!

  10. les pauvres, tous les deux 🙂

  11. Kathie B

    Oooh, I’m getting too old for this!

  12. Judy Rose

    And you said you’d mow the lawn!

  13. Mary Logan

    Are all women slow learners

  14. marilyn

    A day in the life.

  15. “What a drama queen! All you did was empty the dishwasher!”

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