Thank You for the Birthday Greetings, and for Following my Blog

To celebrate my birthday my family and I went out to dinner. A simple pizzeria where we could go early and the children could be children and I could be with everyone. The best evening is with them.

Gabriel drew me some lovely pictures from his creative imagination and artistic ability. The perfect gift.

Across the table I had someone shining light on me with a beautiful man is.

Martin asked me what the highlights of my last year were. Visiting my mother, having Gabriel and Olivia come and jump in my bed in the morning, Sacha, who spent the entire month of December with us, Kari, who generously re-created my blog on WordPress for me, a ceasefire that I pray to God will hold, Chelsea, Martin, and their little family moving to our village, my good health, and the immense happiness that surrounds me.

Olivia, who loves sparkles and dresses that twirl, and who adores dancing to The Nutcracker. For my birthday, we both wore sparkly skirts, lots of jewelry, and red lipstick. Throughout the night, she held my hand, and at one point, she turned to me and told me that I was her Nutcracker. I replied, “You are my Clara.” Besides Gabriel’s lovely birthday card that he drew for me, Olivia’s sweet intentions also filled my heart.

Martin, also asked what I what I hoped for in the year ahead. I told him all I wanted was that everyone that I loved and care for remain in good health and that I was still here to live another year with them, and that there would be peace on earth and Goodwill towards all people.


17 responses to “Thank You for the Birthday Greetings, and for Following my Blog”

  1. Belated birthday greetings. Thank you for continuing to share your life with all of us!

  2. Enjoyed seeing all these wonderful photos Corey! May the brocante gods throw a gem into your path on your antiquing travels to celebrate your birthday.

  3. Shelley Noble

    My goodness, the fact that you are her Nutcracker is such an intimate thought at the more deeply felt level that little Olivia could express. Her sweet sentiment brought a tear to my eye.

  4. Teddee Grace

    Love your wishes. Things here go from bad to worse. We can only hang on and hope.

  5. Such beautiful words and sentiments Corey. May your dreams & wishes for the coming year come true.
    I love the photos. You & Yann are like red wine maturing beautifully . ❤️

  6. 💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝

  7. No photos of the pizza? What are the most common toppings and cheese(s) on French pizzas? Which did you have? I assume French pizzas are a bit different from North American ones, right? Do tell!

    1. jend’isère

      The simplicity of pizza is so loved world round. Brought together to share a piece of pizza brings us solidarity. Universal toppings of sharing love and wishes for peace are the top of the top toppings. Wishing yours’ were as tasty!

      1. Sounds like a Mystic Pizza.🍕

    2. Flights of fancy notwithstanding, I would still appreciate it if Corey would tell us what sorts of (actual food) pizza toppings are most popular in France, as well as what they had that day.

      1. Pizzas are similar to those in the States but are less expensive. It’s only better, but second to Italy. I like goat cheese with honey and cream base.

  8. Oh, I hope you had the happiest birthday dear Corey! Happy belated birthday and many more!!!!

  9. A perfect birthday indeed.
    So happy for you always
    Love Jeanne

  10. Hope I am not too late in wishing you a wonderful birthday year. I will be most pleased to see you in June and will give you a birthday hug then. Your pictures show so much love with your family! So precious!
    Happy Birthday, Corey.

    1. Thank you Carole xx

  11. Fat Rabbit

    Happy happy birthday- belated

  12. Annafromindiana

    You do love of family — well, actually, love in general, so well. Thank you, Corey!

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