To celebrate my birthday my family and I went out to dinner. A simple pizzeria where we could go early and the children could be children and I could be with everyone. The best evening is with them.

Gabriel drew me some lovely pictures from his creative imagination and artistic ability. The perfect gift.

Across the table I had someone shining light on me with a beautiful man is.

Martin asked me what the highlights of my last year were. Visiting my mother, having Gabriel and Olivia come and jump in my bed in the morning, Sacha, who spent the entire month of December with us, Kari, who generously re-created my blog on WordPress for me, a ceasefire that I pray to God will hold, Chelsea, Martin, and their little family moving to our village, my good health, and the immense happiness that surrounds me.

Olivia, who loves sparkles and dresses that twirl, and who adores dancing to The Nutcracker. For my birthday, we both wore sparkly skirts, lots of jewelry, and red lipstick. Throughout the night, she held my hand, and at one point, she turned to me and told me that I was her Nutcracker. I replied, “You are my Clara.” Besides Gabriel’s lovely birthday card that he drew for me, Olivia’s sweet intentions also filled my heart.

Martin, also asked what I what I hoped for in the year ahead. I told him all I wanted was that everyone that I loved and care for remain in good health and that I was still here to live another year with them, and that there would be peace on earth and Goodwill towards all people.
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